The Power of the DAW-side


Ever wanted to learn how to use a digital audio workstation (DAW)? Have you ever seen videos about guys sitting behind giant consoles, or pull up an awesome looking program and then just go to town on some tunes? Some thoughts you might have include: 

-What does all that stuff do? It doesn't seem that hard, right? 

-I write music. Can I learn how to use a DAW and produce my own music? 

-It could save some serious cash, especially in the long-run. 

These thoughts are what I found myself thinking over and over again throughout my career. But I had always thought that it was some mysterious art that took decades of study and experience to gain any kind of expertise. But after lots of research, I found answers: 

-No, it's not that hard. 

-Yes, you can easily produce your own music, 

-Yes, it can be a life-changing skill. 

Nowadays, technology has given us the ability to make comparably tiny investments and turn those into long-term profits. You don't need a giant mixing console anymore, because your laptop actually has more processing power than one! That's why people mix in-the-box (ITB) these days! 

So what now? You're in and you want to get started. 

First thing you need to decide is which DAW you want to try. There are some free options, my favorite being Audacity and Garageband. But if you're serious about learning, both Logic Pro and Pro Tools are well worth the investment. Pro Tools even offers a low-cost monthly plan for those who can't afford the retail price point. No matter what you choose, all of the concepts you learn can be applied ANYWHERE in ANY DAW. 

In the video, I go through some of the basics of Logic Pro X. In the future, there will also be DAW tutorials, but I wanted to start with my personal preference, as well as the one I know best. 

Are you ready to take the next step? 

